Centre International de Formation et de Recherche Avancées en Physique

Decizia Comitetului Executiv UNESCO privind prelungirea Acordului intre guvernul Romaniei si UNESCO pentru CIFRA

Paris, 12 Aprilie 2022
Comitetul Executiv al UNESCO in sesiunea sa nr. 214, document 214 EX/31, din 12 Aprilie 2022:
Decide sa reinnoiasca desemnarea Centrului International de Pregatire Avansata si Cercetare in Fizica (CIFRA) ca Centru categoria a 2-a sub auspiciile UNESCO.

Autorizeaza Directorul General sa semneze Acordul corespunzator cu Guvernul Romaniei si memorandumul de intelegere cu Centrul International de Pregatire Avansata si Cercetare in Fizica (CIFRA) pentru o perioada de opt ani.

CIFRA este singurul Centru UNESCO din Romania avand ca obiective:
sa ofere oportunitati de pregatire si studii avansate cercetatorilor din tarile Europei centrale si de est, pe langa cele din tarile mai putin dezvoltate din Africa, cu mandat suplimentar pentru promovarea femeilor in stiinta prin programele sale;
sa conduca si coordoneze studii avansate orientate catre cercetarea in domeniul fizicii si subiecte interdisciplinare conexe;
sa ofere expertiza factorilor de decizie din educatie, cercetare si publicului general, pentru a consolida potentialul national de cercetare national si dezvoltare;
sa desfasoare activitati de promovare (conferinte, ateliere de lucru, seminarii, mese rotunde, etc.) in cooperare cu institutii nationale si internationale care sa ofere un forum international de discutie si sa incurajeze formarea de retele regionale de colaborare intre oameni de stiinta din diferite tari.

CIFRA functioneaza ca filiala cu independenta juridica a Institutului National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor, cu sediul in Magurele, judetul Ilfov, in conacul Otetelesanu, recent restaurat.



Decision of the UNESCO Executive Board regarding the extension of the Agreement between the government of Romania and UNESCO for CIFRA
Paris, 12 April 2022
UNESCO Executive Board, in its 214 session, document 214 EX/31 from April 12, 2022:
Decides to renew the designation of the International Centre for Advanced Training and Research in Physics (CIFRA) as a category 2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO.
Authorizes the Director-General to sign the corresponding agreement with the Government of Romania, and the memorandum of understanding with the International Centre for Advanced Training and Research in Physics (CIFRA) for an eight-year period.
CIFRA is the only UNESCO centre from Romania, with the following objectives:
to provide facilities, opportunities for training opportunities and advanced research for researchers in the Central and Eastern Europe countries, besides those in less developed countries in Africa, with an additional mandate of promoting women in science through its programs;
to conduct and coordinate advanced studies oriented towards research in physics and related interdisciplinary topics;
to provide expertise to the decision factors from education and research and the general public to strengthen the national research and development potential;
to carry out promoting activities (conferences, workshops, seminars, round tables, etc.), in cooperation with national and international institutions that would provide an international forum of discussion and encourage the formation of regional networks of collaboration between scientists from different countries.

CIFRA operates as a legally independent subsidiary of the National Institute of Materials
Physics, with its headquarters in Magurele, Ilfov County, in the recently restored Otetelesanu mansion.

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