Centre International de Formation et de Recherche Avancées en Physique


Anniversary Gala “Romania – UNESCO: 60”

On December 15, 2016, at the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO (CNR UNESCO) headquarters, held Gala: “Romania – UNESCO: 60 years”, which marked the celebration of 60 years since Romania’s joining to UNESCO.

The anniversary event was attended by personalities from the culture, education and science fields and collaborators who contributed to fulfilling and affirming the UNESCO mission in Romania. In opening, prof. Ani Matei, the Secretary General of the CNR UNESCO, emphasized the role of interface between CNR UNESCO and Romanian authorities, being one of the key actors in promoting the ideals and objectives of UNESCO in Romania. Then, Mr. Sergiu Nistor presidential adviser for culture, conveyed the message of the President of Romania, Mr. Klaus Werner Johannis, addressed on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Romania’s presence in UNESCO. Mr. Adrian Cioroianu, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Romania to UNESCO, has pointed out that “in the sixty years of membership, Romania has constantly supported the Organization commitment in its main activities: the defense of cultural diversity, access to education, protection of cultural and natural heritage of mankind, freedom of expression, building of knowledge societies, etc.” List of speakers included: Mr. Andrei Magheru – Romania’s Ambassador to UNESCO between 2004 – 2006, Mr. Dumitru Preda – Ambassador, former Minister – Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Delegate of Romania to UNESCO, Mrs. Ecaterina Andronescu senator and former Minister of Education, Mr. Razvan Theodorescu, academician – General Secretary of the International Association of South – Eastern Europe, Mrs. Daniela Gîtman – State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Oana Bogdan – State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Mrs. Gabriela Cretu, senator – member of the Parliament Commission for the relationship with UNESCO, etc.

It followed the granting of awards and trophies from CNR UNESCO to personalities, contributors and representatives of state institutions and NGOs who have distinguished themselves in developing and promoting the UNESCO values.

During the meeting was released the book “Romania – UNESCO: 60 years”, which contains a presentation of the CNR UNESCO and the key moments from its activities in the 60 years of membership. Also, the vernissage of the exhibition: “Colors Delta” has held, the author Helmut Ignat, showing representative images of the Danube Delta, inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List and in the List of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.

Prof. Sabin Stoica was invited to participate, representing International Centre for Advanced Training and Research in Physics (CIFRA). On this occasion, CNR has granted CIFRA the diploma: Romania-UNESCO: 60 years, “as a sign ofhigh recognition of the contribution to the fulfillment andaffirmation of the ideals and objectives of UNESCO in Romania”.

The anniversary event was complemented by an artistic performance supported by the Royal Chamber Quartet and by a dinner.

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